NWM Diagnoses, different aspects of your life like childhood, education, relationship, occupation, abundance, health problems & ailments, the status of chakra, divine support and so on…
NWM Tools for Healing
NWM Spiritual Healing & Hurdles Removal
NWM Seeding
NWM Divine Guidance
NWM VedicVastu (for home or office)
NWM Heals you at different levels (Body, Mind & Soul) like Love & Relationship, Abundance, karmic hurdles at annmay kosh, pranmay kosh, gyanmay kosh, manomay kosh, anandmay kosh and different chakras.
NWM tools for Rehabilitation
NWM Abhyangam
NWM Touch Treatment
NWM Nasyam / Gandusham
NWM rehabilitation services are very helpful and effective in neurological, oncological, pulmonological, gastroenterological, endocrinological, cardiological, requirements.
NWM tools for Treatment
NWM Aaahaaram
NWM KarmYog4All (Active & Passive)
NWM Abhyangam
NWM Rainbow (treatment by colors)
NWM Treats body mind and soul Naturomatically can treat acute and chronic ailments and problems.
NWM tools for Relaxation
NWM Samandhyanm
NWM Chakra Santulan
NWM Dhavni Dharana
NWM PyraMed
NWM relaxation services are for mental-emotional, problems. different types of stress and anxiety we can manage by NWM.
NWM Meditative techniques are very useful for beginners and advanced in spiritual growth.
NWM tools for Rejuvenation
NWM B&EA Breathing & Element’s activation
NWM Shashank Sadhna
NWM Shakti Sadhna
NWM helps in rejuvenation by different (micro and macro) breathing and physical activities.(Obesity, figure correction, detoxification, learning disabilities geriatrics and lifestyle correction etc. related services).
Get help from the very best
Join NWM to live a good life that you really deserve. We make sure that our every client is satisfied by our Diagnosis, Treatment or any NWM Tool, he or she is using.