Estd. 2002

NWM – New Art of Healing
Naturomatic Wellness Management Method

BHAGWAT TRUST (Charitable)

is endeavoring to propagate the awareness of the different wellness & natural preventive or pro motive systems to the mankind by establishing an institution 

“Naturomatic Healing & Research Center”. 

The intention behind the institution is to spread the virtue and healing qualities of different Indian ancient natural healing methods, they are curative, preventive, promotive, non-invasive, drug-less, educative, cost-effective as well as are the best suited to the international constitution and economy. The Philosophy of the institution is to Rehabilitate, Rejuvenate, Relax and establish an equilibrium between the Body, Mind & Soul, through different healing methods and their courses. Naturomatic Healing & Research center is Affiliated with G.S.P.C.S. DELHI, AINCF DELHI TGOU, INO, HAWAI and other prestigious organizations.

The center is unique and the first of its kind and attracting students from all corners of the globe. Many social, spiritual, medical institutes, Universities, Govt. Dept., Banks are associated with us.

We at NH&RC understand the need of the day is not simply to cure diseases by different harmful medicine but to arrest them by inculcating the efficacy of wellness among the masses and implementing the simple wellness methods in daily life.

To fulfill this noble cause the NH&R Center, Head, Pradeep Kumar (Bhagwat) founded and invented a remarkable and trustworthy system called 

Naturomatic Wellness Management Method.

Owning the responsibility of protecting the society from various chronic and acute diseases (Physical, Mental, and Spiritual), Naturomatic Healing & Research Center and its unique system Naturomatic Wellness Method is imparting wellness management method as therapy and wellness education to preach & practice the principles of well-being in order to create a wellness sufficient society which was dreamed off our great ancestors.

‘Naturomatic Wellness Management Method’ is a drug less & non-invasive therapy (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) and serving society as a Psycho-yogic therapy (C.C.Uni. Meerut).

Definitions of NWM

“Natural & Automatic wellness management to promote, prevent and maintain, an optimum state of health & wellness is NWM.”

“Management of complete essential wellbeing naturally is NWM.”

“NWM is a single window service to avail Rehabilitation, Rejuvenation & Relaxation”.

Principles of NWM

  • NWM is for all 8 Well beings (Physical, Mental, Emotional, Educational, Occupational, Environmental, Social and Spiritual.
  • All diseases/ problems are results of Energy Imbalance.
  • Balanced Energy can treat all the diseases/problems.
  • Food items can replace most of the medicines.
  • Only Nature and Natural Energies can heal.
  • Roots of problems/diseases are in mind and soul.
  • NWM can complement every system of medicine and healing.
  • NWM can Diagnose, Treat, Rehabilitate, Rejuvenate and Relax easily.
  • 5 Elements (Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth) work better with optimum use of 5 Micro Elements (Darkness, Mind, Soul, Direction, and Time).
  • NWM can treat Persons, Places, and Things.

Rules of NWM

  • Be natural, be yourself.
  • Avoid Processed Food and Processed Persons.
  • Empty yourself, nobody can pour a filled cup.
  • Everything is Energy, Everything can heal or harm.
  • You are responsible for your health and happiness.
  • Things you don’t repair can repeat.
  • Add everything Positive, Promotive and Productive, to I am…
  • Change, I can’t into I can.

NWM Yukti